There’s no denying that South Carolina’s school system is struggling. World Population Review’s 2024 report ranked South Carolina 45th among U.S. states in public education quality. The South Carolina Department of Education released school report cards for the 2023-2024 academic year. Of 1,261 schools in South Carolina, 477 schools were rated average, 187 schools were rated below average, and 49 schools were rated unsatisfactory. Although there have been some efforts to make improvements, there are still gaps in equity in education in the state. Here we’ll discuss 7 of the worst-performing school districts in South Carolina and why it matters.
Why Equity in Education Matters
South Carolina’s Department of Education has struggled with an antiquated funding model for years. It has since gotten a major overhaul in 2022, but the state still has catching up to do. The old system allowed for minimal funding flexibility and failed to address unique student needs. According to the Reason Foundation, lack of accountability and transparency led to inequities in education in the state. For example, the highest-needs schools were not always getting their fair share of resources. The new funding system allows for dollars to flow where they are needed, such as raising teacher pay to attract quality teachers.
The state also has implemented school choice legislation to help parents pay for private school tuition, textbooks, tutoring, computers, or transportation for their children to attend other schools, depending on their needs. This program, however, is still very small. To truly have equity in education in South Carolina, programs like this must be expanded. Until then, some students in the state will still have unfair disadvantages in their level and quality of education.
The Worst School Districts in South Carolina
- Georgetown County School District: Georgetown County Schools had seven out of nineteen, or 37%, of its total schools falling into the two lowest-performing categories.
- Charleston County School District: The largest school district in the state, Charleston County has several schools that don’t meet the State Board of Education’s standards. 17 out of 72 schools listed in the report fall into that “Below Average” or “Unsatisfactory” category, with that being almost 24%. It is important to note that this number was 27 in 2019.
- Berkley County School District: In the Berkeley County School District, nine out of 48 fell into the category, which is nearly 19% of the total schools.
- Dorchester County District 2: In this district, two schools out of 25 were included in the category, which is 8%.
- Dorchester County District 4: This district has one out of eight schools in the below-average category, which is 12.5% of the district.
- Colleton County School District: While no schools in this district are “Unsatisfactory”, all of the district’s schools are “Average” or “Below Average”.
- Beaufort County School District: Beaufort County Schools had three out of 34 schools fall into the “Below Average” category. There were no “Unsatisfactory” schools. The low-performing percentage is at about 9%.
Are you surprised by these results? Let us know your thoughts about equity in education in South Carolina schools.
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Shortchanged In School: These Are The 7 Worst School Districts in South Carolina and Why You Should Care is a post from: Beating Broke, if you enjoy it, please visit us and subscribe to the Feed.