He who plants and he who waters are one, and each will receive his wages according to his labor.
Are some positions within the church more important than others? Are some spiritual gifts more desirable than others? From a human perspective, we might reasonably understand some are more significant. But there is another perspective.
Paul had established the church at Corinth, spending 18 months there. Apollos had come later and helped the church to grow. Paul had planted, and Apollos had watered. And the church was divided, with some following Paul and some following Apollos (1 Cor. 3:1-7). Who was the most significant?
Paul’s answer to that was neither. My role within the kingdom is not what gives me significance. Each of us, as believers, has been equipped to serve within the kingdom. And it is the Spirit who has put us where he wants us (1 Cor. 12:1-11). We are one body in Christ and are all equally important (1 Cor. 12:12-30). And we should be one in spirit and purpose (Phil 2:1-3).
Rather than focus on the external appearance of our different roles, we should focus on being the best we can be in the role we have been given. As Paul said, each of us will be rewarded according to our labor. The wages he speaks of here are not earthly rewards. Instead, we receive them when we stand before God at the end of this life.
Paul does not elaborate on what our wages will be. And there is probably no use speculating about it now. What is clear is that my reward is not based on my specific role in the kingdom now. Instead, it is based on how well I carry out the role that has been given to me (Matt. 25:14-30).
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