I’ve been doing something really really stupid for the past 5 years.
Not only have I been paying for a subscription that I never ended up using (!!), but over these years it’s also increased by 300%+ and I didn’t even notice it!!
What a dummy!
This service I’ve been throwing my money at for the past 1/2 decade is Avast Premium Security – the antivirus software – which I’d never used my entire life, but have a vague memory of one day caving to a promo thinking it was a smart move.
Followed by another vague memory of remembering I needed to *activate it*, but then promptly forgetting about it and never actually DOING IT (yet continuing to pay for it as if I had, and letting one year roll into the next year and then into the next, and on and on for a total of 5 dumb years – ugh!!)
So that was mistake #1: not even activating the service.
Mistake #2 was then blindly paying the invoices year after year assuming that a) Past Me already did the research and verified it was worth it (nope), and then also that b) the software must be working because I never did get any viruses! Lol… So why cancel a good thing?
Then we have mistake #3: not realizing that each year the rates WENT UP. And I didn’t even notice it. Or check it out. Until I did one day, and, well, realized it was now 300% higher than when I first signed up for it! Wow….
Here’s what I found when I finally sorted through my email receipts. Which is super embarrassing to even type out (!!):
- 2019 – $29.99 (the promo deal for 1 PC… though 6 months later they “upgrade” my account to cover 10 devices while also providing “better coverage” – something I couldn’t opt out of, even if I were onto their scheme. This “special” was valued at $69.00, giving the grand illusion I had saved $40 since I only paid that initial $29.99! Which is how they slowly got their claws in
- 2020 – $79.99 (the “upgraded” promo now being over, it goes back to the $69.99 price tag + an extra $10 for good measure – effectively DOUBLING the initial price point!)
- 2021 – $89.99 (creeps up another $10 bucks…)
- 2022 – $95.39 (and then a bit more – “due to taxes”)
- 2023 – $105.99 (and then even more… But it’s okay, because this year comes with a “free gift” – 3 months of Avast SecureLine VPN which probably made me feel good enough at the time to not question any of it, even though of course it’s something I also didn’t activate.)
- 2024 – $105.99 (No extra fees this year, but I still let it renew without question… Until a few days later when I thought to check on it! And realize not only wasn’t I using it, but I never even needed it – as evidence again of not getting any viruses this whole time lol… So I cancel it immediately and shake my head at how long I let this happen right under my nose…)
And I gotta say – I don’t blame Avast at all here. Outside maybe their tricky “upgrade” scheme there in year 1. It was my job and my job only to know what, and why, I was purchasing, and then from there consciously paying attention to the fee creep each year. All things I blindly ignored.
And to their credit – they gave me a refund for this year’s charges as soon as I asked for it, and I noticed they even shot me “1 month out” reminders that the service was about to renew each year too. So I basically had DOUBLE the opportunity to pay attention every year!!
But as we all know we can get so used to subscriptions that we don’t even challenge them assuming Past Us did the work already, but even if it *was* the right move and beneficial for us back then, it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s right for us NOW. Life changes, needs change, and PRICES CHANGE!
So do yourself a favor and look over your c/c statements as soon as you’re done reading this to make sure you still want and need whatever subscriptions you’re currently signed up for too.
I bet you’d be surprised at some of the costs compared to when you initially signed up! And if you’re not happy with any of them, cut ’em! Or try to negotiate! Whatever you do – don’t keep your head in the sand like a jackass (me) and assume that what you needed back then is what you need right now.
And if you really want to feel better about yourself, check out my entire Resume of Fails here –> jmoney.biz/fails. I’m sure it’ll only get longer with time 😉
You’re (not so) perfect friend,
[This post, My $507.34 Ridiculous Mistake!, was first published by J. Money on Budgets Are Sexy]