Interview Section: There is real money in agriculture
There is real money in agriculture. Join Mr Diekolola Adebiyi as we chat about his journey into Agriculture.
Agricincome: Please can you introduce yourself to our readers and your farming background?
Diekolola farms: The journey began in 2014, with a dream conceived by the founder and CEO of the company; Diekolola Adebiyi.
The founder was trained on vegetable farming by agritopic ltd custom bus stop Ibadan Oyo State Nigeria. He receive his training under the tutor of Mr. Solomon Samuel Adetoye Odunayo.
The company was duly registered in June 2016, as an agricultural company, saddling farming, with a goal of feeding nations and creating opportunities in the sector
Within few years of professionalism, we have been able to train farmers, establish and manage healthy farms for our esteemed clients, and also create employment. Well, we have just begun!
It has not all been rosy. Our faith in God and passion for farming have kept us going strong. We are not where we ultimately see, neither are we where we used to be.
In the next years, we hope to create more jobs, train more and more farmers, establish and manage more healthy farms for our present and forthcoming clients. We know it’s a tough road, but we are ready all the same.
What stands us out, is our unique service. Our style is very simple, yet effective. We work with heart and brain. Our client satisfaction is our satisfaction. We work our best. For the small budget farmer to the large one, we give rapt attention and provide quality service.
Presently, the company has farms at Abeokuta and Ibadan, Southwest Nigeria, while we set up and manage others for clients around Nigeria. We have plans to establish more company-owned farms across Nigeria and beyond.
Still wondering what we do?
¶ we set up and manage a healthy and profiting vegetable or plantain farms.
¶ We sell and install irrigation materials.
¶ We sell Agro chemicals, fertilizers and seeds? Home delivery is available.
¶ We are professional consultants.
¶ We train interested farmers.
Agricincome: How long have you been in the business?
Diekolola farms: we started in November 2014
Agricincome: What attracted you to agriculture?
Diekolola farms: I was called into it by GOD, i studied computer engineering
Agricincome: You are bound to face some challenges in sourcing capital at one point or the other. How did you surmount this challenge initially?
Diekolola farms: The passion and will keep us going through challenges
Agricincome: What were the main challenges you faced at the early stages of your business? And do you still encounter them to this day?
Diekolola farms: To get water for irrigation then in lagos state
Agricincome: What’s the secret of the success you have achieved so far?
Diekolola farms: God and consistency
Agricincome: How do you market your products?
Diekolola farms: we supply to markets
Agricincome: What advice would you give to youths seeking a career in agribusiness?
Diekolola farms: They should enroll for training and know a particular aspect very well, and be consistent in what they are doing. There is real money in agriculture
Agricincome: Lastly, any advice you would like to give other farmers?
Diekolola farms: they should never plant without an irrigation system, may God provide for us all.
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