Walter Brueggemann is of course, of a largely different perspective theologically than the holiness movements of which...
Religion & Spirituality
Amelia Earhart said, “The most effective way to do it is to do it.” We can spend...
Did you know that William Booth had a dream/vision of heaven? It’s true. I’m simply going to...
I’d like to tell you about an enemy I’ve faced my entire life. Even before I was born...
Have you ever wrestled with God on something? I’m sure most of us here have done that....
Pavel Poloz was exiled from Russia in 1987 for being a Christian. He said this about American...
“Fred Craddock, in an address to ministers, caught the practical implications of consecration. “To give my life...
We’re going to be examining how to approach voting in 2024. The first thing every Christian should...
Ask yourself if you want what is described in this quotation: “Humility is perfect quietness of heart....
We know that Jesus was despised and rejected by the ruling elites of his time. That fact...
I remember growing up I was very close friends with my cousin Travis. We were best buddies....
I recall as things got difficult in my family in my teens, and my parents drew closer...
Have you ever known a prepper? I’ve known one or two in my life. Did you know...
Do you like to write? I love to write. I wrote many different books, all of them...
What was it like on the night when Jesus was born? Shepherds and flocks of sheep in...
Once saved always saved is a doctrine that permeates modern Christianity. But did you know that this...
In his book, Science Speaks, Peter Stoner applies the modern science of probability to just eight prophecies...
“John Paton was a missionary in the New Hebrides Islands. One night hostile natives surrounded the mission...
“In Santa Cruz there’s a strip called Pacific Avenue, and there’s a number of bars. And I...
A friend of mine has been going through some very difficult things recently. He grew up on...