Boosting broiler production in Nigeria: Top strategies.
Poultry industry in Nigeria has vast potential for growth with demand for chicken meat soaring and more farmers showing interest and eager to capitalise on the trend. But despite its great potential, broiler production in Nigeria hindered by setbacks such as high mortality rates, low yields, and inefficient production practices. This article will be discussing the top strategies for overcoming these issues and boosting broiler production in Nigeria.
What is broiler production?
Broiler production or broiler farming is a branch of poultry farming specialised in raising chicken mainly for meat production. Broilers are typically birds about eight weeks old (of either sex), weighing 1.5 to 2kg, having flexible breast and bone cartilage, and tender meat.
Popular breeds used for broiler production include; Cobb, Ross, Hubbard, Cornish cross, Red ranger and White plymouth.
Why broiler production?
Broiler production is a rewarding venture with potential for significant profit. Broiler farming provides a sustainable source of high quality protein to meet the growing needs of the Nigerian populace. As the country strives to reduce reliance on imported meat products, it is imperative that Nigerian farmers get all the necessary help they can to ensure maximum output with best minimal input and little or no losses.
Top strategies for boosting broiler production in Nigeria
Here are top strategies that will improve productivity in your farm. Whether as a beginner farmer or a seasoned farmer, adopting these practices is bound to give you positive results.
Investment in your broiler production venture will depend on the scale of production you intend to embark on. This will include all capital and recurrent expenditure like chick stock, housing, feed, equipment, light and ventilation facilities, power source and constant water supply. Farmers will bear in mind that the overall farm output depends largely on the quality of input invested hence care should be taken in planning and executing whatever investment options they choose. Ideally, farmers should seek the opinion of experts as regards investment in their farm.
Housing for the bird could either be deep litter, wire or slatted floor and cages. Although experts often advise against cages and wire or slatted floors because of problems like leg weakness, and high initial investment. Whatever your housing preferences are, they should have good lighting, ventilation, and adequate space(about 0.6Sq ft per bird) for the number of birds. Poor housing structures could lead to disease outbreaks, suffocation of birds, exposure to harsh weather conditions, stress etc etc. All of which can be detrimental to productivity.
Feed and Nutrition of Broiler birds
Proper feeding and nutrition is crucial for broiler growth and immunity against diseases. Broilers typically require a diet high in protein to grow rapidly but care should be taken to ensure balance in other nutrients in their feed. Commercial broiler feeds come in starter, grower and finisher varieties and should be fed to the age appropriate birds. Farmers who can afford to, can have nutrition experts formulate special feed blends for them. To save cost, farmers can also supplement feed with byproducts from domestic or industrial food processing.
Chicks stock
Day old chicks from reputable hatcheries should be stocked. Ensure they are healthy, with good genetics and are of the exact variety you intend to rear.
Management practices
Adopting best practices like routine vaccination, good veterinary care, quarantine of diseased birds, culling, proper hygiene maintenance and grouping of birds by age will give you the best results. Invest in training and capacity-building programs for farm workers
Biosecurity in Poultry
Biosecurity is crucial in minimizing the mortality rate of broilers in production. Ensuring biosecurity in your broiler production simply entails proper health management, disease prevention and control, and waste management. This can be achieved through disinfection of personnel garments, equipment and facilities, vigilant monitoring of birds to detect any health anomalies and handling any such anomalies swiftly and thoroughly, introducing healthy breeds, limiting access to the farm, adopting safe waste handling and disposal practices.
Marketing of Broiler birds
Having successfully raised your broilers to maturity, it is important to employ effective and dynamic marketing strategies. Today’s market is changing and farmers who want to stay relevant and meet the market demands have to keep up with the times. This can involve adopting digital marketing; making use of social media and other online platforms hence meeting your customers where they are.
By adopting these strategies, farmers significantly improve productivity and efficiency in broiler production in Nigeria thus contributing positively to the economy and to food security.
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